Pastor Fred Moore
Pastor Fred Moore
Fredrick Dean Moore was born to the parents of Joshua Elisha and Mary Elizabeth Smith in Birmingham, AL. He was raised in Lake Charles, LA and joined the United States Army immediately after graduating High School. He accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior while stationed in Korea and went on to spend 12 1/2 years in the military. It was in September of 1982 that he would meet his wife for life and the queen of his dreams, Michelle. The two became one flesh on May 14, 1983 and to this union was born two daughters, Jennifer and Fredrica. A mandate has been thrust upon him from the Father to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. Along with his wife Michelle, their prayer has been that the Father will give them people to help them accomplish this. Each member of the Kingdom is therefore an answer to their prayers, entrusted to them by the Father to be prepared so that the day of the Lord does not catch them unaware.
BIO Pastor Fred Moore is the pastor of the Kingdom of God Christian Center, a safe place of grace located in Round Rock Texas. He married his wife Michelle on May 14, 1983. He is the godly proud father of Jennifer (fiancé Bernard) and Fredrica (husband Anthony), and the godly, proud grandfather (Papa Mo) of Amani and Alina. The call on Pastor Moore‘s life has afforded him the opportunity to speak at many churches and conferences. His story is simple: To be faithful to his master, faithful to his marriage, faithful to the ministry and message of Jesus Christ. He attributes who he has become today to three things: the grace of God, the prayers of his wife, and the mentorship of Bishop Nate and Pastor (Overseer) Valerie Holcomb. He is a simple man who enjoys living the simple life, while making memories with his wife for life.